1.0.0 is now live i feel the project is at a production level now there are a few things I know I want to do and some others would like but in general it works.
1.1.0 will add ASK capability
Also there is now a slack for the project if you like to use slack feel free to join https://join.slack.com/t/sqrlfornet...A1ZTQ2ZGRmYjY3MzdlZDlmY2U0NTdlNjFlMGI0OWNiOWQ
1.1.0 will add ASK capability
Also there is now a slack for the project if you like to use slack feel free to join https://join.slack.com/t/sqrlfornet...A1ZTQ2ZGRmYjY3MzdlZDlmY2U0NTdlNjFlMGI0OWNiOWQ