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  1. Fabrice Neuman

    Translation of GRC (and possibly other) SQRL clients

    Thank you for your answer Steve. Now I understand completely. I'm in the process of finishing the "SQRL Essentials" translation into French, and will wait for the release of the language file to start/help/participate to its translation into French as well. Live long and prosper 😉.
  2. Fabrice Neuman

    Translation of GRC (and possibly other) SQRL clients

    I must admit that I don't understand what I can do on Crowdin. I went there several times and all I can see is that SQRL.ini has already been 100% translated for almost every language, for a total of 6 words each. Sorry if I'm being thick, but I don't get how this works... Does it mean that...
  3. Fabrice Neuman

    FYI Problems onboarding Testflight users.

    Hi Jeff, Well thank you for this. I received the invite and was able to install the app through TestFlight no problem. And it's working great on my iPhone X, with FaceID (more on this below). If I may, a few feedback remarks right off the bat (and please bear in mind I want to be as...
  4. Fabrice Neuman

    Trying to make everything SQRL available in French, one document at a time...

    Trying to make everything SQRL available in French, one document at a time...