Recent content by timbrown22

  1. T

    FYI Problems onboarding Testflight users.

    A few recommendations. I spent a good 5 minutes scanning my SQRL identity barcode with the app. Is there a way for the app to recognize that different QR code and say "hey bozo you have to import your ID first" or even offer to import the Identity. Also in the interest of a more clear UI...
  2. T

    FYI Problems onboarding Testflight users.

    Sorry Jeff. I looked through my emails again and finally found the invite from 6 days ago. I have the client working now. This is pretty cool stuff. I can't wait for it to be more widely available.
  3. T

    FYI Problems onboarding Testflight users.

    I didn't see any invite and I signed up early May.
  4. T

    FYI Problems onboarding Testflight users.

    I'm still waiting since last month.
  5. T

    FYI Support SQRL for iOS development - Business Model

    Guess I'm in the next batch. Looking forward to trying it. I feel like it's more magical with an App.
  6. T

    FYI Support SQRL for iOS development - Business Model

    What's the ETA on an official IOS App? I signed up for testing but I see there are challenges there.