Recent content by josecgomez | SQRL Forums

Recent content by josecgomez

  1. josecgomez

    SQRL Client Information

    It has always been pre-release we haven't touched it in a while because SQRL lost all steam. If there's interest we can pick it back up Alex and I worked on it for quite a while but again there was nothing there waiting for it so we eventually wondered off. Now we have Passkeys coming I'm not...
  2. josecgomez

    SQRL OAuth 2.0 Provider

    I agree that slowly sprinkling SQRL around is a good way to go, but we need to go back and have an RFC written one that addresses some of the issues I mentioned above (if needed) and provides a standard implementation for it RFC style. That storage block is kind of criminally complex and could...
  3. josecgomez

    SQRL OAuth 2.0 Provider

    agreed, unfortunately it doesn't exist (and probably never will) as much as I love/loved working on this project the reality of it is that without steve actively behind it, no official RFC and nobody large enough or influential enough evangelizing it isn't going to go anywhere. Also having...
  4. josecgomez

    SQRL OAuth 2.0 Provider

    Hey guys @PHolder / @Steve etc so sorry about the ghost honestly I figured this was dead in the water. @Jeffa pinged me a couple of days ago, it is back up and running required a reboot and there was an external API I was using that has gone bust since the 3 years ago I looked at it...
  5. josecgomez

    SQRL Client Information

    Yes the program works and we will continue enhancing it
  6. josecgomez

    SQRL Client Information

    No it isn't critical its what gives you the tray icon, we currently assume everyone has that... we'll make it so that if it can't exist it won't crash the app on the next release.
  7. josecgomez

    SQRL Client Information

    Looks like the Default Window Manager for that Linux distro is IceWM and you must not be running a standard notification daemon try installing one of these "xfce4-notify " or mate-notification-daemon" (debian package names) And make sure they run on startup by adding them to your startup...
  8. josecgomez

    SQRL Client Information

    This is related to this bug it seems An issue with GTK libnotify, what graphical interface are you running? GNOME?
  9. josecgomez

    SQRL Client Information

    You can import your identity from the browser into here. What version of Linux do you run? (as detailed as possible,what graphical environment etc) Looks like you are missing a GTK3 dependency Depending on your flavor of Linux try ``` #red hat based yum install epel-release yum install...
  10. josecgomez

    SQRL Client Information

    Beta Has been Released Enhanced CPS Behavior Add support to export rescue code and qr identity as PDF Added localization support to the platform installer Fixed Linux and OSX download as executable by wrapping them...
  11. josecgomez

    SQRL Client Information

    I honestly don't know... if .netcore will run on it it should.
  12. josecgomez

    SQRL Client Information

    Thanks I am pushing out a fix shortly for a new beta that hopefully will fix this and other issues
  13. josecgomez

    SQRL Client Information

    Update Beta released 4/25/2020 Released: Most clients should prompt to update automatically. Installation Instructions At: Install Instructions
  14. josecgomez

    SQRL OAuth 2.0 Provider

    Update 1/3/2019: Fixed a few bugs including the ability to Lock / Unlock the SQRL account.
  15. josecgomez

    SQRL OAuth 2.0 Provider

    Yes anything that supports OAuth2 can use this to login using SQRL Also @happyseagull the Site automatically generates “random” user info for you which you are free to keep and use. So when that edit user info screen comes up you can leave it as is, save and move on. SQRL can still be linked to...