Recent content by Dave

  1. Dave

    SQRL On Sites Without SQRL

    Unfortunately, there is not. The SQRL login process is a conversation between the site and the SQRL client and requires the site to respond correctly.
  2. Dave

    Windows “Hello”

    When you have the wind and the bandwidth, I hope you can at least write it up for future generations.
  3. Dave

    SQRL OAuth 2.0 Provider

    @shanedk, your "About" here says "Co-author of the SQRL RFC."
  4. Dave

    FYI Support SQRL for iOS development - Business Model

    See New App coming to TestFlight shortly
  5. Dave Core Middleware

    @TechLiam, That's awesome!! I love to hear that it is "that easy"! Oh, you are absolutely right! We want this to be as simple and as ubiquitous as possible! And there is no shortage of opportunities. Great! Thanks! Smart!! We are fortunate to have so great many wise and dedicated...
  6. Dave

    Videos demonstrating SQRL

    Great job!! My only comment is that it starts instantly. It could absolutely just be me but, I felt almost like it started in the middle of something... As if maybe I missed something at the beginning. I actually backed it up to double check. If I'm not the only one, you might want to...
  7. Dave

    Videos demonstrating SQRL

    Ah, the eternal struggle to find the perfect compromise between security and convenience. Perhaps a new client, or a new client version, will one day allow 0 rather than 1. For today, if typing a single character represents too great an obstacle, perhaps SQRL is not the solution you are...
  8. Dave

    Videos demonstrating SQRL

    When I make an ATM withdrawal and then try to make a second withdrawal in the same session, it asks for my pin again. This is to make sure that it is still me and not that I drove away without logging out and now someone else is requesting the second withdrawal. The use of the quick pass is...
  9. Dave

    SQRL client feature comparison

    Daniel's (@kalaspuffar) Android client is open source:
  10. Dave

    Final Weeks of Pre-Release Tracking

    Was this also the version where you stopped going green after only 4 characters of the rescue code?
  11. Dave

    Final Weeks of Pre-Release Tracking

  12. Dave

    UX Help welcome

    I would like to cast a dissenting vote. The "QuickPass active" state is one in which the eternal and precarious security/convenience balance is knowingly and deliberately shifted in the direction of convenience and, conversely, ever-so-slightly away from security. And it is a transient state...
  13. Dave

    UX Help welcome

    The notification for the Waze app has a close button on the notification you can close the app from here or otherwise tapping on the main part of the notification opens the app. So, assuming there is some reason to want it, you could have a similar operations.
  14. Dave

    UX Help welcome

    Good point, Alan! I had a similar thought... but... forgot where. :rolleyes: Yes, any site could insist on a verified email address - or even a physical address, for that matter - as a condition of membership. But that would be entirely up to and part of the web site and it's raison d'être...